Monday, March 5, 2018

 This was the beginning of my journey. My very first picc line and first bag of chemo. It was the start to a new life I didn't want and didn't and for but guess what I was living it. And I had decided to live each day with a smile on my face and to share my journey with anyone who would listen. IT'S NOT EASY!! It totally sucks having to go through this day in and day out not knowing what the next day is going to bring and what my "numbers" are going to be and what will this "team" of doctors (who now know everything about me) are going to tell me about myself. It's scary. Your entire world changes in just a few words "you have cancer" and people who don't have it or haven't experience anyone with cancer doesn't understand the told it takes on not just you but your entire family. I'm a mom. At the time I was diagnosed my son was 3 years old and that was the most heartbreaking thing to have gone through for me. I had to LEAVE MY BABY. I was diagnosed May 17th and the day I went home was June 20th. Think about that. My work was completely turned upside down and If it wasn't for amazing family support and my son's father being there for me and loving me through this I don't think I would have been able to make it. It takes a great toll on a person when they are told they have a life threatening illness, i mean your life is at risk of being taken away, its scary...  And for the people who don't have the best support system I don't know how you do it because you are way stronger then me. 💛💛


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